On this page you can see some photos of the paintings I did of Storm Shadow and Snake-Eyes for a themed exhibit called "Versus" for the Dart Gallery in Dartmouth, Nova Sotia.
Above you can see the final paintings on the wall. Each canvas is 20"x20" woodboard, 1.5" thick. They were painted with acrylic paints.
Above you can see an in-process photo of the Storm Shadow painting. I made the decision to let the wood grain texture show through bare for Storm Shadow's skin tone.
It struck me as pretty funny when it came time to transport these guys to the gallery. I strapped 'em in and once or twice yelled things like "Quit your fighting back there!"
I was asked by the owner of the Dart Gallery (Jane) if I would be the artist representation for the show - which was titled "Versus" - and above you can see me being interview by CBC.
Above you can see the final Storm Shadow painting on it's own.
Above you can see a close-up of some of the splatter and texture on the painting.
Above you can see the final Snake-Eyes painting on it's own.
Above you can see a close-up of some of the texture on the painting.